Your bedroom is the clearest expression of how you are feeling about yourself right now and is bathed in your pheromones.
1. Go Grownup
This means that your bedroom should express YOU and have in and around it furniture, artwork, clothes and items that are deeply personal. An attractive bedroom with all new furniture and no real character is not sexy. Additionally, I’ve always found that women whose bedrooms express their older, mature sides are sexier than younger rooms that look like holdovers from college. Women are sexier than girls, so let go of the Victoria’s Secret PINK decor, or “my bedroom is just my crashpad” and kick it up a notch.
2. Lose Computers, Wires and Officey Stuff
With all due respect to those who work from home and are short on space, please do all you can to keep all non-bedroom activities OUT of the bedroom. It just kills the space. Make sure your bedroom is a retreat from all the other stuff you do in your life. Make it your inner sanctum.
3. Rock a Good Bed (not a bad one)
After sleeping on over a dozen beds last year (see my Year in Bed Project) I have come to really believe in investing in a good bed. This doesn’t mean that you need to spend a lot of money, but taking care of this purchase, spending what you can and really falling in love with your bed is a great start for falling in love IN bed. Also try not to store anything under your bed if you can. It’s not good ju-ju.
4. Lighting is KEY
Your bedroom should be lit for you and for your easy use. This means at least three points of light, which is typically two reading lamps and one opposite. Like any good hotel setup, you want to be able to have a nice light in bed before you go to sleep and you want the rest of the room to be softly illuminated with low, indirect light and NOT a fixture on your ceiling. Easy to reach soft, low light is sexy.
I detest beds against windows. I like to wake up looking out — yet here, and in so many of the design shows they have beds jammed up against the window. Just plain stupid and UGLY.
I hate to disagree with you, but I think that’s beautiful as long as you have a right designer
Thanks A Lot